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The technology preview of Project Chronicle has ended. Thanks to everyone who participated. Project Chronicle has graduated from Autodesk Labs to become Autodesk Screencast.

Screencast is a new service from Autodesk which provides you with a means to document and share your own product workflow knowledge. You can showcase your expertise, and in-turn, allow other users in the worldwide community to view your work and learn from you. Share your Screencasts with friends or send directly to your colleagues.

Show how you use any design tool, solve problems for others, and even collaborate with your coworkers on best practices. You can record video and your voiceover of any application running on your computer.

With products like Fusion 360, AutoCAD, Inventor and Revit, you get the added feature of the Screencast Timeline, showcasing all of the product buttons, dialogs, and menu items as you record a workflow (a real value for those wanting to showcase every detail!)

Autodesk Screencast - A simple way to capture and share what you know. Anyone anywhere can record an amazing video at any time. There's no other service like it.

Visit today.