Inventor<->Revit/AEC Interoperability Research

Inventor-Revit/AEC Interoperability Research

The Inventor and Revit/AEC teams are excited to continue the initiative aimed at better interoperability between Inventor and Revit and other AEC products.

We will be researching sharing Inventor project data with/from Revit and other AEC products for the future using a variety of data exchange formats. We would like to gather your feedback about the MFG<->AEC interoperability in general.

Feedback avenues include:

  • Complete surveys and/or attend webinar reviews of new concepts
  • Walkthrough the workflow task importing Revit data into Inventor
  • Participate in Usability Testing of the new workflows

Review sessions are underway and will continue through to product launch.
Interested? Click below to participate 
Please feel free to forward this on to others who may be interested. 
Thank you,
The Autodesk Inventor & Revit teams